Thursday, December 20, 2012

Oil Painting: Happy Family

This is a commissioned piece I finished yesterday. It was probably one of the fastest paintings I have ever done with oil paints. I'm not exactly sure on how long it took me to complete, but I believe it was approximately 10-15 hrs. In the future I will try harder to keep track of the time it takes for me to finish one piece. The photo of painting was taken by my client, who kindly sent it to me after I told him that I was unable to get a good photo of it because I was in hurry to deliver it to him.

1. rough sketch 2. color work in progress
Outdoor lighting

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Attack of Space Queen Monster

Cover illustration inspired by Pulp Magazine done for my Illustration Heritage class. It is a story about a cavemen who gets teleported into outer space and encounters the space queen monster. He tries to steal her crown, but she attacks him and later falls in love with him.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Kraft Paper

New Years Hunt
These illustrations were done on kraft paper for my Illustration Visual Self-Expression class. I apologize that some of the images are out of focus. I really need a better camera
Crazy Masks

Modern People