Friday, March 30, 2012

Relief Sculpture: Camel and Taj Mahal


 Today's post is a little different from my previous ones. For my sculpture class, my first project was to do a relief sculpture and the subject matter was anything I wanted. Since I was bored of drawing human faces all the time, I decided to try something different. I wanted to do something involving an animal and architecture so I chose the camel and Taj Mahal. The last time I did a relief sculpture was back in my sophomore year of high school, but at the time I was very disappointed with the results. However this time I had a great time, because I had better understanding of how to use my tools with my medium and my greater knowledge of form.

      Although I had really great experience and was quite happy with the results, I decided to destroy the piece. Are you shocked? Well there really was no good reason to do so, except I was being cheap and I had no place to put my artwork. The board and clay weighed a ton and I was almost certain that even if I kept it would get destroy sometime in the future by accident. But no worries, all my efforts were not in vain. In fact I'm already reused the clay and board for a current sculpture project. I'll show the results of it very soon.

Here's a picture of my artwork and I before I said my goodbye.

Monday, March 5, 2012

The Big Bang Theory Caricatures

In the top I have four caricature illustrations I did on the cast of The Big Bang Theory. I started watching the show during my winter break which was two months ago. All the characters on the show had very quirky personality, so I had a blast drawing them (who knew being unproductive can actually be useful).